Green Pest Control

Serving Customers Like Family Since 1989

We understand your reluctance to utilize traditional, produced insecticides to resolve your pest problems at Prompt Action Pest Control. There are several alternatives to utilizing a synthetic pesticide. Some of these approaches are less effective than traditional insecticides, while others are more costly. We offer the expertise and experience necessary to implement the most effective tactics for your home or company, taking into account your level of concern, pest tolerance, and budget.

We are capable of:

  1. Keep them at bay
  2. Modify the environment in order to make it less appealing
  3. Eliminate food and nesting sites
  4. Employ live trapping and removal techniques.
  5. Utilize materials that exist naturally in the environment and are less hazardous to the overall ecosystem. Generally, these items are not as effective as produced ones.

If you require Green Pest Control services for your home in Eau Claire, Wausau, or the nearby regions, we can provide an effective answer.

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    Serving Northern Wisconsin since 1989, Prompt Action Pest Control is a family owned and operated professional pest control company.
    2001 Franklin Street, 
    Wausau, WI 54403 (715) 845-6018
    Copyright © 2024 PAPC. All rights reserved